Client Branding
Client: Monsoon Florist
Logo and Branding
About the Client
It is a small brick-and-mortar shop in the mountains of India. To know the shop is to know the owner. A young girl named Kena. What does her name mean? Monsoon Flower.
The shop (she would rather call it a shop than ever a business) was born out of romance! For the owner, the shop is an extension of her love of romance. The kind of shop that will give away free flowers if someone says it’s their anniversary.
And what better to capture the romance of flowers in India than the monsoon season itself!
Therefore, she named her shop ‘Monsoon’. To her, it conjures up the feeling of a crisp cool breeze, the fragrance of petrichor in the air, the calming sound of the rain and the cozy luxury of being indoors with a hot cup of coffee.
And that’s the identity that the owner wants to reflect in the website.
Logo thumbnails
I wanted to capture the essential elements of the rainy season in the hill-towns of India: cascading rivers down the mountain slopes, lovers sharing an umbrella, and maybe three drops of rain.
I also looked at the motif of a warm coffee mug, as it was mentioned by the owner and her relationship with the monsoons.
Ideas ranged from having flowers on a warm coffee cup, to flowers germinating from a tea cup.
I also explored the rain drops splashing out of a tea cup to unify the concepts.
Logo Final
But above all, I wanted to focus inwards and place the audience in Kena’s point of view. To show the world through her eyes.
So I refocused the composition to a cup of hot coffee on a chilly day.
The logo depicts the hot steaming coffee delicately perched on a window frame, looking out towards the falling rain; the vision that inspires Kena to run the little shop.
The logo is a fresh blueish-green colour to reference spring, the rain, and the most common colour of the window frames in her home-town