Posters & Infographics

Graphic Design

Postcard Mailers - Garry J Armstrong

Client: City of Ottawa
Graphic Design

An informational mailer advertising “Garry J Armstrong“ a retirement community operated by the City Of Ottawa.

Postcard Mailers - Centre d'Accueil Champlain

Client: City of Ottawa
Graphic Design

An informational mailer advertising “Centre d'Accueil Champlain“ a retirement community operated by the City Of Ottawa.


Client: Craigslist (Speculative)
Graphic Design

The information from the World Food Program’s Climate Action brochure from September 2021 was used to the create this infographic that visually presents its key insights.

Postcard mailers

Client: Saket Jawaji
Graphic Design

Explorations for a design of a Postcard Mailer for Saket Jawaji, a UX Researcher. Project composed and designed in Adobe Photoshop